Meet Maryann Hites, USMWV President & Founding Member
Hi! My name is Maryann Hites. I have a passion for women veterans and believe the contributions we made were crucial to this country's freedom, no matter what our job (AFSC, MOS, etc.) entailed; so, we need to stand up and be counted for those contributions!
I joined the U.S. Air Force in 1973. I went in a few months after high school graduation (the final years of Vietnam). Women were not especially welcome then (today is not much different). So many stories can be told, especially about being a female and single parent...
My assignments included RAF Alconbury, England, (first female vehicle operator at Alconbury); Hahn AB, Germany; Osan AB, Korea; and Florennes AB, Belgium. My stateside assignments were Lackland AFB, Texas (Basic Training); Keesler AFB, Mississippi; Charleston AFB, South Carolina; Little Rock AFB, Arkansas; Dyess AFB, Texas; and, Peterson AFB, Colorado. I travelled a great deal on TDYs (temporary duty) all over. I loved playing on the AF softball and volleyball teams, so much fun! I retired at Peterson AFB as a Master Sergeant in November 1996 after serving 23 years.
After retiring, I didn't know what I wanted to do so I returned to school for general education and decided on nursing, earning my Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) in 1999 (UCCS Colorado) and later, a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) at Norwich University in Vermont. I have worked in several medical areas and was glad to have experienced them all.
I am active with the local American Legion (William Lopp Post 284) and VFW (W.C. Miller) Post 2756 here in Thomasville. I also am on the NC Memorial Day Parade Committee. I feel that community involvement is important.
I currently reside in Thomasville, NC with my husband Tom and our two rescue dogs Minnie and Rosie. I have one daughter and two grandchildren (a boy and a girl). I am a native of Pembroke Pines, FL.
Meet Jenny Barker USMWV Vice President
Hi! My name is Dorothy (Jenny) Barker. Due to career indecision and a reserved grandmother who finally spoke her mind, I stepped out upon those yellow footprints of Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, in March of 1979. By ignoring my recruiter’s advice to “never volunteer for anything,” I graduated with meritorious Private First Class, an honor only bestowed on one Marine in our platoon.
The indecisiveness brought me into the Marine Corps under an “open contract” (not having a job specialty). Explaining to a drill instructor that I liked being outside and using my hands, after boot camp this 5 foot, 100 lbs young lady landed at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, for MOS 1345 – Heavy Equipment Operator – training… bulldozers, cranes, and forklifts! Oh my! Next, it was on to Camp Del Mar, CA, a small section of Camp Pendleton located right on the beach, and Landing Support Battalion. The “red patchers,” as we were called, would be the first ones into a possibly still hot (combat) zone to secure the area, to repair airstrips, and to build or repair vital facilities for other incoming troops. Unfortunately, several months later, the Commandant of the Marine Corps felt females should not be in combat zones, so it was relocation to the dreaded military secretarial pool! In late 1980, Camp Smedley D. Butler in Okinawa, Japan, came calling. Working at the Family Support Center was a versatile position that allowed me to not only handle administrative duties, but to also tour the island (run errands) in our company jeep. However, when our Executive Officer returned stateside, it was back to the secretarial pool at Company headquarters. The joy of the 4-year tour was the birth of my daughter in 1982.
Upon return to stateside in 1984, it was time to move on and to move back home to Winston-Salem, NC. Still being in the reserves, I was able to take advantage of a new program called Full-Time Support (FST). This is where a reservist comes on active duty to support his/her reserve center. The position at Greensboro, NC, not only utilized my administrative skills, but I was able to teach classes, to be the acting Admin Chief when needed, to support community programs, and to utilize my family support system to take care of my daughter. During my 4-year service (from August 1984 – October 1988) at Greensboro, I received numerous citations, meritorious Sergeant, and finally Staff Sergeant.
However, the obligation to my daughter and the ever-looming possibility of activation due to conflict being my realities, after 9 ½ years, I said my final goodbyes to the Marine Corps. I went on to earn 3 Associates degrees from Guilford Technical Community College and a Bachelor’s degree from Salem College. I have two fantastic sons, in addition to my wonderful daughter. At 36, my daughter pursued her dream of joining the Navy and is stationed at Norfolk. My middle son is also in the Navy and is stationed in Hawaii. While in the Marine Corps, my youngest son volunteered for duty in Afghanistan and he now lives nearby. My husband and I run a bed and breakfast in High Point. I have my residential contractor’s license and enjoy renovating homes. I am active in our local Marine Corps League detachment and I am diligent in assisting veterans and family members from all branches of the service in their time of need.